+39 0974964393 info@anticocilento.com
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Terms & Conditions


This privacy notice is provided in accordance with art. 13 of Legislative Decree no. 196/2003 to explain the methods and purposes of processing your personal data through the website.

This notice is provided to everyone who interacts with the company’s web services, which may be accessed on the internet at: www.anticocilento.com, which is the home page of the company’s official website.

This notice is provided in relation to this website only, not for any other websites the user may access via links.

This notice is subject to updates and/or changes which may be made by the data controller of your personal data, at his/her own discretion, also as a result of changes in the applicable laws and/or regulations. Please check this notice regularly to make sure you are aware of any updates or changes that may have been made. Your use of the website and/or purchase of Antico Cilento products via the website will be subject to the notice published on the website and in effect at the time of use/purchase.


Consultation of this website may result in the collection and processing of data on identified or identifiable persons. The data controller is MARGA s.r.l. of San Mauro Cilento, C.da Guarino 7, (SA) Italy, tax code and VAT number 03604200653. Processing in connection with services offered on this website may take place at this location or on the premises of any third-party “external data processor” who may be appointed in writing (enterprises operating in the sectors of information technology, shipping, logistics, payment services, banks, credit collection companies, credit insurance companies, suppliers, law offices, and providers of accounting, tax, and corporate services) and will be performed solely by the technical staff of the office in charge of data processing (normally in the administration, marketing, and information technology departments), or by persons appointed to perform maintenance on the website or its supporting infrastructure on an occasional basis. No information resulting from the web service will be divulged or disclosed to third parties.


Browsing data

You are informed that during regular operation, the information systems and software used to operate the website acquire certain items of personal data in the form of browsing data, which is implicitly transmitted when using Internet communication protocols. This personal data is not collected in order to be associated with identified data subjects, but could by nature permit your identification through its processing and association with data held by third parties. This category of personal data includes the IP addresses or domain names of computers used by you to view the website, the URL of the requested resources, the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in reply, the numerical code indicating the status of the server’s response (success, error, etc.), and other parameters regarding your operating system and information systems. These personal data will be used solely in order to obtain anonymous statistics on the use of the website (such as the number of views) and to check that it is working properly, and will be deleted after processing within the deadline specified by law.

Data provided voluntarily  

We inform you that you may view and browse the website without voluntarily providing any personal data. The personal data you may voluntarily provide when using the website includes personal data provided in order to subscribe to the newsletter or register as a Site user, which may include your name, surname, birth date, email address, city of origin, and information regarding yourself obtained from any messages you may send to MARGA s.r.l. The provision of such data is never obligatory under the law, but failure to provide it may make it impossible for the data controller to supply some or all of the services for which the data is collected.

Sensitive data

MARGA s.r.l. asks you not to send any personal data or information that might be considered sensitive data under the Privacy Code (meaning, personal data that may provide information on your health, sexual orientation, political and religious beliefs, membership of a political party or movement, membership or support of a trade union, religious affiliation). MARGA s.r.l. will not take into account any sensitive data that may be contained in messages you send through the website’s contact area or by contacting the company in any other way, unless you provide separate consent to the use of sensitive data in writing by sending a statement of consent by email to info@anticocilento.com.


The website uses session cookies and permanent cookies. Session cookies are temporary and are not permanently stored in a memory, but automatically deleted whenever you stop browsing the website. Permanent cookies stay on the user’s hard disk until they are deleted.

The cookies used by this website do not represent a risk of data acquisition for the computer/browser of the user accepting them. On the contrary, they allow a user who decides to become a customer of the company to make purchases in perfect confidentiality, and prevent our information system from confusing different customers’ orders.

Cookies are used primarily for merely technical purposes, to permit complete, efficient use of the website and/or track views of different pages and sections of the website for statistical purposes. Tools which require use of cookies may be employed, such as Google AdWords, Google Analytics and Mailchimp. The reader is referred to their respective policies (which are periodically updated, and should be consulted regularly) containing more detailed information:




Users may disable cookies at any time by selecting the appropriate setting in their browser by visiting the “Ads Settings” page on Google’s website, though this decision may prevent them from using certain functions on the website or from interacting with the website.


General purposes: Data may be processed to permit proper performance of accounting, taxation, and commercial activities, as well as the technical operations necessary to manage and dispatch your orders, and for other activities the company is required to perform by law which are strictly pertinent to the contractual relationship with the data subject.

“Direct marketing” purposes: Your data (though not sensitive data) may be used, solely and exclusively with your free, optional, specific and explicit consent – which may be revoked at any time – to send advertising material and communications by post, email, fax, text message, MMS, or similar means. After giving your consent, you are in any case entitled to object to the processing of your data for this purpose at any time, at no cost.

“Profiling” purposes: Data (excluding sensitive data) obtainable from the type of purchase you make may be used, solely and exclusively with your free, optional, specific and explicit consent – which may be revoked at any time – to identify and define your personal tastes, preferences, habits, needs, and buying choices. After giving your consent, you are in any case entitled to object to the processing of your data for this purpose at any time, at no cost.

In the event of proceedings in a court of law, with a request from the competent court authorities and in full compliance with the law, we may be required to provide information on the personal data of a user exclusively to such authorities.


Personal data will primarily be processed by electronic and/or automated means, using methods and instruments capable of guaranteeing the security and confidentiality of the data in accordance with Legislative Decree 196/2003, the Italian privacy law. All technical, information-technology, organizational, logistics, and procedural security measures will be taken to ensure that the minimum level of protection required by law will be guaranteed, as required under Legislative Decree 196/2003.


The data subjects to which the personal data refer are entitled to obtain, at any time, confirmation of the existence or non-existence of information on them and to know its content and origin, determine its accuracy and request supplementing, updating, or rectification of the data, and erasure, anonymization, or freezing of data that have been processed unlawfully, and to object to the processing of the data with legitimate reason (the reader is referred to art. 7 of Legislative Decree no. 196/2003, accessible on the Internet by entering this text in any search engine, for complete information). You may exercise these rights by contacting MARGA s.r.l. at the mailing address given above or by email at the following address: info@anticocilento.com.